Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Cold!

Northern Virginia is in the middle of a bit of a cold spell and I don't like it. It barely made it to 40 today before dropping again into the 30s in the afternoon. They say it will be a colder winter than normal, We're also way overdue for a major snowstorm. I can't wait for summer to return.

Much like Kelly, I have started playing Christmas music. Not everyday or all the time, but occasionally. I enjoy it and don't feel that I should have to wait until the day after Thanksgiving to hear it. Back in the day when you could illegally swap music without the music industry slapping a lawsuit on you, I downloaded some of my favorite songs and made a CD or two for myself. I have since made copies for the Daughters, but not for The Son because he has long since lost the ability to hear the bell (see the movie Polar Express for an explanation). Besides my own CD, I have a many many other Christmas CDs by various artists. Every year I check out Amazon's list of Christmas music to see if there is something new I might enjoy. I tend to be more of a traditionalist when it comes to such music because, frankly, pop artists usually make crappy Christmas music.

Tomorrow Ann and I will head out to shop for the various goodies that will make up our Thanksgiving dinner. It's not our year to have Daughter#2 and The Son In Law for Thanksgiving since they will be with his parents, We will have them for Christmas. Daughter#1 has also decided to stay in Connecticut for the holiday. She and the fiance will come down for Christmas. The Son will be dropping by for dinner, as will my Uncle and his wife, his grown son and his wife. They're bringing desert. We do a pretty traditional Thanksgiving - turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, cranberry sauce and rolls. A bottle of wine or two (this year Hokie White). Ann is a wreck until the turkey is safely cooking in the oven. I get to do all the peeling for the potatoes and apples. I also try to sneak in a viewing of Miracle on 34th Street. After all the movie does start on Thanksgiving Day. The best part - leftovers.

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