Sunday, December 2, 2007

Houses, Gutters and Football

So today, The Son, Ann and I viewed six properties. Three townhouses and three condos. It's a lot of properties to see in one outing before they all start running together in your mind. After looking at each of the properties, we retired to our favorite Tex Mex place for lunch and to discuss the pros and cons of each property. Across from chili and Texas Devil Steak, we ranked each of the properties as to price, location, kitchen, master bedroom, other bedrooms, bathrooms and deck/patio. In the end, two condos came out very close in score with a townhouse a close third. We will be sitting down with our Realtor tonight to map out an offer. It's quite possible that his first choice might be slightly out of his price range, the second is definitely not. So we'll see.

After lunch we came home, built a fire in the fireplace and watched the Redskins. They played a so so first half. At halftime, I broke out our ladder and climbed up on our roof to clean out our gutters. It had been misting on and off and the roof was slicker than I care for. I always make sure I have a spotter as I've had the ladder kick out on me before as I've tried to descend. As it turned out, I did slip on the roof once, but I managed to catch my foot in the gutter to stop me before I went over the edge. I've decided that my new sneakers don't grip all that well and I'm getting too old to be climbing up on our roof. I did manage to get all the gutters clean right before the heavens opened up and the serious rain began. That mood carried over to the second half of the Redskins game as they let another second half lead fritter away. Watching the coach incur a 15 yard penalty for Unsportsmanlike Behavior because he didn't know the rules for calling back to back time-outs thereby changing a 51 yard field goal try to a 36 yard try is just inexcusable. Its just sad.

Because of the rain and house search, I wasn't able to get our outside Christmas lights up. Maybe tomorrow, if the weather clears in time. Maybe we'll get a tree as well. If the rain stays, Ann and I will just curl up with a good movie.

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